December 17, 2006

What A Night

im not going to make this post long because i dont want to keep you here reading my complaints. today was great until 8:00 me, katie, and katie went to thats entertainment to drop off my movies and when katie went to put them in the box i asked katie macleod if i should drive away just for a joke and she said yes and i did. katie tryed to get in the car but the doors were locked. i was stupid and drove around the hwole block, which was a lot bigger then i expected and katie got pissed and left. by the tim me and the other katie got back she was gone so me and katie got really worried and went looking for her. we didnt find her until we drove up the road and right near her house is where we found her. she was really pissed off (which is understandable) and she and i passed some words that i really regret. i asked her to get in the car so we could talk it over but she said no. im really scared that this might end our friendship. weve been friends since grade nine and she is like a sister to me and i fell like i can tell her anything. she is the only one that i can actually go to about anything and she wont think im retarded. i guess you could say she is my other half. one of the supervisors at work said we were joined at the hip and in a way its true. katie if your reading this im so sorry for evything i did tonight, i was an ass and i shouldnt have done it... sorry. then i came home and my neices were here so that made my day a little bit better and it kind of cheered me up. we watched home alone... i love that movie and that made me a bit happier too. i was getting ready to go to bed and i heard my mom tell my dad she felt a pop in her hip (for those of you who dont know my mom had her hip replaced last week). i didnt think much of it so i did as i was told and went to bed. i went back down to get the comp so i could update my brothers ipod and heard my dad say that he might need to call and ambulance. this is when i really started to get scared. around 12:15 an ambulance showed up and they immediatley put mom on morphine this really scared me and i started to panic abit. i tryed to go downstairs but my dad so no stay up there. i was really scared now and probably a half hour later they took my mom out on a strecher to go back to the hospital. this kind of pisses me off because the hospital let her out four days under the minimum required amount of time spent in the hospital and it was healed enough. if she had of stayed in the required amount of time then she probably would have been fine. if she stayed in she would have only been getting out today but no they had to let her out on tueday stupid hospital people. so now if theyhave to do surgery to put her hip back in she will be in the hospital for christmas which really sucks. i dont know what christmas will be like with out my mom, i guess we can always bring the present to the room. anyway i have to go. to much on myh mind right now... love ya



Courtney Saunders said...

oh man, that really sucks, hospital people really are stupid they left my mom for a week in our hospital before they sent her to halifax because they didnt know if sh4e actually had a heart attack and the doctors here in my opinion dont really do anything since my mom got home they have only given her pills and they actually dont know what they do.... well I hope your mom gets better, bye.

Anonymous said...

im sorry for what i said that night. i was being a bitch because i was really scared that you guys left me, and i freaked out then left, which i thought was the brightest thing to do considering i didnt want to stand around and look like an idiot b/c my friends left me... so for that ( and what i said, emotions overwhelmed me) im so sorry.. you were right about everything you said in your blog about us being attetched in the hip (who said that?), well whoever did was right.. and you are truely like my sister. so im really sorry
Love Katie