December 16, 2006

Im Bored

ya so the last cople have days have been pretty fun i got my license and stuff and my parents have been pretty sweet about letting me take the car. the first night i got it i went and picked up katie and we drove around for a while. that was pretty fun we went driving down a dark dirt road and it was really creepy. i tryed to turn around but the road was too narrow and i almost went into a ditch. it was pretty creepy. so i wasnt even supposed to be driving around and the car got really dirty, so when i dropped her off me and katie gave the car a little wash. it was pretty cool, plus its swesome because my parents didnt notice. then yesterday my sister was going to a christmas party and she had to bring something she bakes so she sent me to the superstore with my neice, stephanie, to get some squares and, my dad wanted a lime. it took us forever to pick out a lime because we didnt know how to tell if they were ripe or not so we picked one that was in between. when we were pulling in to the parking lot i told stephanie to keep her out for a pull through space. she found one right away it was a handicap so we parked there. there was two carts there so i swurved around them... o ya just in case you were wondering i do have a wheelchair pass because my mom has really bad arthritis. so after that we went home and mom had a list for me to get get at the store so i had to o do that, i picked up courtney and off we went. we drove by the school to see everyone in there semi dresses but it hadnt started yet so it was pointless. then me and her parked in the queen charlotte parking lot and phoned sandy. we drove around for a while and then we found sandy next to macdonalds. they were going to the "mall" (considering it was 8:40 and the time they got there the only thing opened would have been zellers) so i drove them. then me and courtney were pulling out of the mall parking lot and we it was on a hill (and im not good at hills yet) and the car started to roll and we near hit the guy behind us because he was to stupid to understand what go around ment. then we went grocery shopping which only took like 5 minutes and then we went over to zellers to see how much nancys present would be. i thought it was only like nine dollars but it is $17.98 so that takes off the pressure of me trying to fill the $20.00 budget. so then i drove courtney home and today we are going to hang out and do something, so it should be fun. anyway i have to go because im only aloud on the comp for 1 1/2 hours a day and ive been on since 11:30 and now it is 12:40. so im off... farewell to all!

<3 katie <3

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