December 13, 2006


Ok, so IM sitting here in the library right on my free and IM so bored, I've had a really bad day today. Ok here I go so just bare with me... I think sandys emoness right now is starting to rub off on me. So ya back to venting. This morning I went to English as usual I thought the day was going to be good but I found out she still hasn't put on my Macbeth test and its keeping my mark from going up because it says I have a zero on it. I keep reminding her but she doesn't listen, maybe she listens... But she just forgets. Then also in English I thought that today was Tuesday and I thought I still had to days to prepare for my in class research essay but no... Today is Wednesday and I'm not going to youth group because I have this stupid 700 word essay to write an outline for. So ya then the bell rings and sandy doesn't what for me, that wasn't so bad because I passed her like 2 seconds later because Asians walk slow. Anyway I went to math class as usual and I was going to finish my test today because I had run out of time yesterday. So I only had one question left on the test and it was worth 24 mark, the biggest question on the test. So I sit down next to Courtney like usual and let him talk... Then after he is done talking he comes up to me and asks me to move will me and Courtney finish our test, I say ok but then Courtney says he should just let me stay because she was just putting in her last answer. But anyway I was getting ready to move and he starts going on about why he doesn't get we are still sitting there and he frustrates me. So I say something along these lines "jeezus Christ I said ill move" and then all of a sudden he whips my books up off of the desk and says I have to leave. I was in shock because that was the first actual time I was officially kicked out by a teacher since grade 9 or 10 I don't know. So I didn't know if he was actually serious or not so I kind of sat there for a while but then he said to put my sheet in my book and then go to the cafeteria...(for those of you who don't go to my school if you get kicked out it counts as an in school suspension). So ya I didn't go to the cafeteria I went to the library instead I didn't think she would let me in but she did because she knows me so I don't think she minded. That was about the only good part of my dad so far. Then there was lunch. At lunch me and Courtney, sand and Nancy went to the library instead of sitting in the cafeteria because I is way to crowded in the so anyway. Mike warren this really hott guy was sitting in front of our room and me and Courtney just starting talking about how cute he is and stuff and then Nancy being the obvious one of us gets up to the window and looks. I hope no because that would be really embrassing. Anyway so we were going to skip after lunch but sandy had no way home after so she went to class then me and Courtney were going to skip but I said no because I was way to cold so ya. Then Courtney left which kind of annoyed me because now I have to go to family life by myself with all the annoying talkative stuck up popular kids. So now I'm back in the library( no I didn't get kicked out again... I'm on my free) writing this blog and trying to work on my essay but its not going so well. Katie is commons over tonight which should be fun unless it goes like the rest of my day, she is going to help me with the gingerbread house and to look for my new ipod. o ya that's another thing bad I lost my ipod on Friday and I cant find it if my mom finds out shell shoot me... So she comes home tonight or tomorrow which means my dad will be trying to get the house perfectly clean before she comes home. I'm also going driving tonight with Walter I hope that goes good because if I do good tonight I will get my license and that would be awesome. So anyway the bell is going to ring and I should probably start packing up. So thanks to whoever put up with reading this... Its a really long post and I hate long posts so sorry for putting you through this much torture.


sandy said...

wow sorry i didn't wait for you today; i thought you had already left.

sorry you had such a rough day.

hope my-emoness-rubbing-off-on-you doesn't stay haha

good luck on the research essay tomorrow!


Courtney Saunders said...

You so could have come with me, so ha your fault and don't go emo on me like hello we got our licence we should be like wikkidly happy yay us!!