December 26, 2006

Sorry I Haven't Posted In A While

So ya its been kind of busy this week, you know, with christmas and all and I've had no time to blog because i have been with my family constantly. On christmas eve me and my parents went to my sisters place and that was pretty fun. i had the car over night because my moms hip started to hurt. so i stayed at my sisters on christmas eve, then me and my neices got up and i watched them open there presents. they both got some pretty sweet stuff. then i went home and i opened my presents i got; shoes, a shoephone, my versace perfume, money, pajamas and bunch of other kool stuff. christmas night i slept over to katie's house and that was fun too. we didnt get to sleep until around three and then we got up at elevenish. we went driving for a while and then we picked up katie macleod and then i got dropped off. just to clear things up i do not hate katie macleod or emily jewel. so ya anywho im gonna go... love yaz.


O ya i almost forgot :o

bricolage \bree-koh-LAHZH; brih-\, noun:Construction or something constructed by using whatever materials happen to be available.

December 21, 2006

This Weekend Shall Be Decent.

Okay, first of an foremost the important thing is... WORD OF THE DAY. I bet you guys thought i would forget about my commitment but i havent and thats all the matters. So here it goes, the word of the day is:

malaise \muh-LAYZ; -LEZ\, noun:1. A vague feeling of discomfort in the body, as at the onset of illness.2. A general feeling of depression or unease.

Okay and now I can officially start my post. Christmas break starts this weekend and i know it is going to be fun. It is eighteen days long, the longest one i can remember, but mine is being cut short and i only have a thirteen day break. I am going to get my wisdom teeth pulled on January 4, which sucks and im going to have my gums sliced and sticked which is really horrible. The worst part is that the doctor said there is a nerve really close to a few of my teeth and he said if he damages it i could loose feeling in my lower face for upwards to a month which really sucks. so ya back to this weekend. I am really excited. Tommorow me, courtney, sandy, nancy, melissa and nicole are going to skip the afternoon of school to we can go christmas shopping. I am getting my car and courtney might get hers. then on saturday sandy, courtney, nancy and i are goinng to pizza delight for the buffet and we are exchanging gifts. I got nancy a tamagotci and courtney got me a gift card from old navy. sunday is christmas eve. Im not even in the christmas spirit because moms in the hospital and dad wont put up a tree. this will be the first year ever with out a tree and the lack of decorations in the house is not putting me in the mood. on christmas eve i always go to my sisters house, my neices and i watch xmas movies until they go to sleep, my parents and my sister and husband drink, talk and watch a wonderful life (or something like that) and then i go wrap all of "santas" presents which is kind of cool because i get to be my own little elf for a while. monday is christmas morning and i get to open my ya so i already know what im getting... not a whole lot. it mostly consists of my high tops, a shoe phone and a bunch of other junk. so ya tuesday is boxing day and me and courtney are planning to get a car, then go to everywhere that we got giftcards for and are getting first pick at all the sales. it will be awesome. i feel like such a nerd having plans almost a week ahead. but i feel so important when i do have so much plans. anyways gotta go... Love yas and merry christmas yall.

<3 Katie...

December 19, 2006

No Time To Type A Good Post.

so ya hey guys i have no time to write a post today but i have decided to start up a "word of the day" included in every post from now on. I have no time to post because i have to present a book talk tommorow and i havent even read a book yet. The book i am going to do for it thoough is pretty good. Its called "The Parallel Universe of Liars". I'll tel you what it is about... actually ill just write the synopsis of it. "I think Janice, Dad's third wife and second bimbo, has had a boob job. Her breats look like they have been stuffed and mounted, but it's not something you can just ask. Dad doesn't know shes a horny slut. Robin's father doesn't know about Janice's night with Frankie. That's because, in the parallel universe of liars, secrets rule. Surronded by cheats and sexual predators, Robin, self- described chunk, has a secret of her own-- she can't stay away from Frankie either. Her best friend has moved away, so who can she talk to? And when a new guy ambles into her life, she must find a way to escape her own tangle of deception. Sharp, funny, and fresh, The Parallel Universe of Liars includes the twistiest step-parents in teen fiction-- by a compelling new voice in young adult literature". Yep i took that straight from the book. Ok so i best be off now .. heres the word of the day. It is : impassive \im-PASS-iv\, adjective:1. Devoid of or unsusceptible to emotion.2. Showing no sign of emotion or feeling; expressionless.

<3 Katie.

December 17, 2006

What A Night

im not going to make this post long because i dont want to keep you here reading my complaints. today was great until 8:00 me, katie, and katie went to thats entertainment to drop off my movies and when katie went to put them in the box i asked katie macleod if i should drive away just for a joke and she said yes and i did. katie tryed to get in the car but the doors were locked. i was stupid and drove around the hwole block, which was a lot bigger then i expected and katie got pissed and left. by the tim me and the other katie got back she was gone so me and katie got really worried and went looking for her. we didnt find her until we drove up the road and right near her house is where we found her. she was really pissed off (which is understandable) and she and i passed some words that i really regret. i asked her to get in the car so we could talk it over but she said no. im really scared that this might end our friendship. weve been friends since grade nine and she is like a sister to me and i fell like i can tell her anything. she is the only one that i can actually go to about anything and she wont think im retarded. i guess you could say she is my other half. one of the supervisors at work said we were joined at the hip and in a way its true. katie if your reading this im so sorry for evything i did tonight, i was an ass and i shouldnt have done it... sorry. then i came home and my neices were here so that made my day a little bit better and it kind of cheered me up. we watched home alone... i love that movie and that made me a bit happier too. i was getting ready to go to bed and i heard my mom tell my dad she felt a pop in her hip (for those of you who dont know my mom had her hip replaced last week). i didnt think much of it so i did as i was told and went to bed. i went back down to get the comp so i could update my brothers ipod and heard my dad say that he might need to call and ambulance. this is when i really started to get scared. around 12:15 an ambulance showed up and they immediatley put mom on morphine this really scared me and i started to panic abit. i tryed to go downstairs but my dad so no stay up there. i was really scared now and probably a half hour later they took my mom out on a strecher to go back to the hospital. this kind of pisses me off because the hospital let her out four days under the minimum required amount of time spent in the hospital and it was healed enough. if she had of stayed in the required amount of time then she probably would have been fine. if she stayed in she would have only been getting out today but no they had to let her out on tueday stupid hospital people. so now if theyhave to do surgery to put her hip back in she will be in the hospital for christmas which really sucks. i dont know what christmas will be like with out my mom, i guess we can always bring the present to the room. anyway i have to go. to much on myh mind right now... love ya


December 16, 2006

Im Bored

ya so the last cople have days have been pretty fun i got my license and stuff and my parents have been pretty sweet about letting me take the car. the first night i got it i went and picked up katie and we drove around for a while. that was pretty fun we went driving down a dark dirt road and it was really creepy. i tryed to turn around but the road was too narrow and i almost went into a ditch. it was pretty creepy. so i wasnt even supposed to be driving around and the car got really dirty, so when i dropped her off me and katie gave the car a little wash. it was pretty cool, plus its swesome because my parents didnt notice. then yesterday my sister was going to a christmas party and she had to bring something she bakes so she sent me to the superstore with my neice, stephanie, to get some squares and, my dad wanted a lime. it took us forever to pick out a lime because we didnt know how to tell if they were ripe or not so we picked one that was in between. when we were pulling in to the parking lot i told stephanie to keep her out for a pull through space. she found one right away it was a handicap so we parked there. there was two carts there so i swurved around them... o ya just in case you were wondering i do have a wheelchair pass because my mom has really bad arthritis. so after that we went home and mom had a list for me to get get at the store so i had to o do that, i picked up courtney and off we went. we drove by the school to see everyone in there semi dresses but it hadnt started yet so it was pointless. then me and her parked in the queen charlotte parking lot and phoned sandy. we drove around for a while and then we found sandy next to macdonalds. they were going to the "mall" (considering it was 8:40 and the time they got there the only thing opened would have been zellers) so i drove them. then me and courtney were pulling out of the mall parking lot and we it was on a hill (and im not good at hills yet) and the car started to roll and we near hit the guy behind us because he was to stupid to understand what go around ment. then we went grocery shopping which only took like 5 minutes and then we went over to zellers to see how much nancys present would be. i thought it was only like nine dollars but it is $17.98 so that takes off the pressure of me trying to fill the $20.00 budget. so then i drove courtney home and today we are going to hang out and do something, so it should be fun. anyway i have to go because im only aloud on the comp for 1 1/2 hours a day and ive been on since 11:30 and now it is 12:40. so im off... farewell to all!

<3 katie <3

December 13, 2006


Ok, so IM sitting here in the library right on my free and IM so bored, I've had a really bad day today. Ok here I go so just bare with me... I think sandys emoness right now is starting to rub off on me. So ya back to venting. This morning I went to English as usual I thought the day was going to be good but I found out she still hasn't put on my Macbeth test and its keeping my mark from going up because it says I have a zero on it. I keep reminding her but she doesn't listen, maybe she listens... But she just forgets. Then also in English I thought that today was Tuesday and I thought I still had to days to prepare for my in class research essay but no... Today is Wednesday and I'm not going to youth group because I have this stupid 700 word essay to write an outline for. So ya then the bell rings and sandy doesn't what for me, that wasn't so bad because I passed her like 2 seconds later because Asians walk slow. Anyway I went to math class as usual and I was going to finish my test today because I had run out of time yesterday. So I only had one question left on the test and it was worth 24 mark, the biggest question on the test. So I sit down next to Courtney like usual and let him talk... Then after he is done talking he comes up to me and asks me to move will me and Courtney finish our test, I say ok but then Courtney says he should just let me stay because she was just putting in her last answer. But anyway I was getting ready to move and he starts going on about why he doesn't get we are still sitting there and he frustrates me. So I say something along these lines "jeezus Christ I said ill move" and then all of a sudden he whips my books up off of the desk and says I have to leave. I was in shock because that was the first actual time I was officially kicked out by a teacher since grade 9 or 10 I don't know. So I didn't know if he was actually serious or not so I kind of sat there for a while but then he said to put my sheet in my book and then go to the cafeteria...(for those of you who don't go to my school if you get kicked out it counts as an in school suspension). So ya I didn't go to the cafeteria I went to the library instead I didn't think she would let me in but she did because she knows me so I don't think she minded. That was about the only good part of my dad so far. Then there was lunch. At lunch me and Courtney, sand and Nancy went to the library instead of sitting in the cafeteria because I is way to crowded in the so anyway. Mike warren this really hott guy was sitting in front of our room and me and Courtney just starting talking about how cute he is and stuff and then Nancy being the obvious one of us gets up to the window and looks. I hope no because that would be really embrassing. Anyway so we were going to skip after lunch but sandy had no way home after so she went to class then me and Courtney were going to skip but I said no because I was way to cold so ya. Then Courtney left which kind of annoyed me because now I have to go to family life by myself with all the annoying talkative stuck up popular kids. So now I'm back in the library( no I didn't get kicked out again... I'm on my free) writing this blog and trying to work on my essay but its not going so well. Katie is commons over tonight which should be fun unless it goes like the rest of my day, she is going to help me with the gingerbread house and to look for my new ipod. o ya that's another thing bad I lost my ipod on Friday and I cant find it if my mom finds out shell shoot me... So she comes home tonight or tomorrow which means my dad will be trying to get the house perfectly clean before she comes home. I'm also going driving tonight with Walter I hope that goes good because if I do good tonight I will get my license and that would be awesome. So anyway the bell is going to ring and I should probably start packing up. So thanks to whoever put up with reading this... Its a really long post and I hate long posts so sorry for putting you through this much torture.

December 8, 2006

Sorry Courtney.. : (

Hey this blog is especially for courtney she was "upset" that i didnt include the quebec remparts in my rocket blog... i guess i was just very set at showing everyone how good looking the rockets actually are. So ya i cant reall ypost any pictures of them at this point in time because there is someone sitting next to who is on a hockey team and i dont want him to think im a crazy retard so ya... im sitting in english class supposed to be doing my english essay, but im not.

So ya its friday and tommorow i am going to sleep in until noon to make up for all of the sleep that i have missed from moday to friday. Katie comes in town tonight so tonight she said i could pick what we want to do and we want to go to a scary movie, i am going to force her to sneak into toristas (im not the best speller anymore). So ya back to sleeping, i love sleeping id be dead without it. I know i wont get my sleep until noon tommorow because when katie cleeps over i seem to always wake up at like 9 in the morning and i always have to jump over her to get out of bed. This is the first time i have seen katie since October 13, when we wnet to moncton, it better not be one of those nights when shes tired and wants to go home early cuz thats not happening sisrer.

Ya im so bored there is still 15 minutes in class and im falling asleep here.... i have know clue what to write about... ill write about this picture i was searching bored and this is what i found... BORED MAN, he looks awesome doesnt he ? ya so.... i have some big new that i just thought of ...

My sister is having a girl, she'll have to do, i guess... she will most likely be named elizabeth because in our family it is tradition to name the oldest girl elizabeth... my mom kind of broke the chain but my sister wants to restart it... sorry courtney she'll be calling it elise for short... ya so... thats enough for this blog its going to be hugely long and everyone wont bother reading it so bye !

December 7, 2006

<3 I LOVE THE ROCKETS <3 ... especially these ones!

Ok last night i went to my frist ever rocket it game... i was bored at first but then me and courtney and sandy started sizing everyone up. Turns out that they have some really good looking players on that team, even sandy said that a few of them were HOTT. If you know sandy it is really not like her at all to say someone is hot. after the game sandy left and my mom took her jolly sweet time comming to pick up me and courtney. Since the rockets suck and llost the game they had to run on there stares and you could see all there muscles... it was sweet! after that another team came out on the ice( i thought they were the ottawa senators and the montreal canadians) and the goalie fell flat on his face and i near peed my self laughing. then me and courtney looked at some muffins in a bag, but we didnt take any because all the rocket guys were walking out and it would just make us look dumb. so ya me and courtney were in the gift shop and i was pointing something out about lucas (a rocket in our class) strolls in and im there going on and on about him... it doesnt help that he looks like jon heder either (napoleon dynamite) so ya that was my night in a nut shell!

December 6, 2006

Sandy Is Very Forceful...

Yah so sandy is making me write this blog... As you can probably tell im going to be one of those people who update my blog once in a blue moon. So yah this comming Friday is semi it should be good... sandy is making me and nancy go. I may as well go because you'll never know who ill see there ; ). so im sitting here in English class and e and sandy are slapping eachother randomly so i decided to write about along with whatever else pops in my head... so ya my mom goes in the hospital on friday to get her hip replaced :'( i hope she doesnt have complications like last time because if she does that means she wont be out in time for christmas... and that would suck, majorly. It is going to be weird having my mom gone because for the last 3 months it has kind of been like being raised in a single parent family because my dad has been working in newfoundland for a while... i miss him alot. o ya when my mom goes in the hospital he is home for the weekend and then leaves again for another a week. so i should be home by myself for a week. this will be the first time i have seen him since our trip to alberta so getting more an more excited as the time gets closer. i cant wait to have my dad back in the house. so ya enough about my dad <3. katie is comming into her moms house this weekend and soon it will be permenint. that will be fun but not very good because then i will have to decide to hang out with on the weekends... katie or courtney and the gang... you see me and katie always do something different so it is always more fun... but courtney and them do the same thing all the time yet we always manage to do something different... you know what i mean? anyways it will be difficult... so ya im really excited for my dad comming home... i was kind of pumped to have the house to my self for a while but then last night a girl in pleasent valljy came home and there was a convicted killer in her house and he attacked her so now im quite freaked out but sandy and courtney wont sleep over at my house on school nights so ya i guess im shit out of luck... anyway thats enough of me for today so i should be writing again sometime in the new year... bye.... KATIE <3

November 9, 2006

Hey guys its my first day blogging and i dont know how to use this sing, so have some patients... and if you dont then leave. so ya me and courtney just had a race to see how could get a blog first, and of course I won (as usual). So ya the bell is about to rinbg and i have to go to class to copy quotes that SANDY didnt email to me so nowim going to loose marks and im failing and i only have 1 week to get my mark above 50 right now it is 44 so ya not lookin so good. If courtney can do it i can do it. G2G bell rang ! Cya!