March 16, 2007

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So, I am finally in Alberta. I love it here, it is very confusing but hey. So yesterday my plane left at 6:00 in the morning which ment I had to be out of bed at 4:00 to shower and stuff. I actually had to get up at like 3:00 ish though because I needed to finish packing. So ya When my plane landed in Montreal I was lucky because my gate was right and the beginning of all the terminals and crap so ya. I was going up the escalator to get to all the gates and of course i see someone from the island. yes i did i thought it was quite funny and you wanna know who I saw? Yes ok? (drum roll please)... KAYLE FORD. We waved and then i went on my way. So ya i had a 2 hour wait in the montreal airpot which turned into a almost-three- hour wait because they lost everyones luggage and had to find it. Time flew though because i was walking around and reading my magazine and stuff. Sitting in the montreal airport really brought back so many memories. In fact today is exactly one year that me and chang went to Egypt and if you want to know everything that happened in montreal airport you can ask her yourself. So ya i got on the plane and i headed off to calgary. My plane landed and I was so excited to finally meet my neice. My sister was like 10 minutes late so i stood there waiting for my bags which seemed like they took forever to come. My sister finally showed up and there she was. my neice. she is so cute, a lot smaller then i thought she was. we went and changed her diaper and then we headed out. claudines (my sister) husband hand to go drop something off to a friend so we did that and then me and claudine decided we would go to a prom dress store before we left calgary. when we first walked in i saw this amazing bronze colored dress but i thought someone was trying it on so i didnt bother with it. i kept looking and of course i found my way back to the dress and i am in love. i am still looking around but deep down that is most likely the dress i will get. actually 99% sure that is "the one". the girl said it will only take 2 - 3 weeks to get it down to p.e.i. which is a hell of a lot better then 3 - 4 months. we left the store after 45 minutes. we went to a resturant it was called "the pelican and the peir" or something like that and i had fish and chips. it was so good almost as good a newfoundland, and they homemade fries. they are the only good kind. after the resturant we headed back to red deer. it is a about 1.5 hours away from calgary. me and the baby feel asleep with her little hand curled around my pinky. we got home and i got settled in and then i fed her and changed her. it was fun and definetley and experience. i went o bed around 10:00 and had an awesome sleep. i got up at like 10:40 and ate a yogurt for breakfest. yum. we went out to a cpouple of places around 1:00 including the awesome pizza hut buffet. it was so good. we went to a couple more places when we got home i fed the baby, changed her and just held her for about 3 hours. she then fell asleep so i put her in her swing. she woke up around 8:00 so i made her a bottle and fed that to her. i held and fed her until around 11 then i put her in bed and i went to bed to. i had another awesome sleep and i woke up today around 9:30 the baby is still in bed and it is now 11:48. we arent doing much today her husband is working. we are going to go to the west edmonton mall tommorow and i am going to meet my cousing annika who was born in july. it should be awesome. so this is a pretty long blog so i think i will stop now. alrighty then. bye.

<3 katie, oxx.

specious \SPEE-shuhs\, adjective:1. Apparently right; superficially fair, just, or correct, but not so in reality; as, "specious reasoning; a specious argument."2. Deceptively pleasing or attractive.


sandy said...

hurray for updates!

you're so luck you get to go to alberta and visit your brand new niece! sounds like you're having a blast!

when that dress arrives you have to let us see you in it; three more months to go!

Anonymous said...

oh.. you lucky girl. your mom is going to kill you with all of the eating out that youve done ;) lol
youll have to boflex for like 24 hours straight!! lol ! hope youre having fun and i cant wait to see you when you get home!! were still on for saturday night.. right?? lol
<3 Katie xox