January 18, 2007

Not In The Mood

so ya i was in this awe - some mood to right a hugely long blog, but now that ive finally gotten here i dont want to anymore so ya. all i have to say is that i am so happy that first semester is almost over all i have to do is wirte my three exams and im done. then only one semester left until im out of this place. im so excited about graduating now, but i kow when it comes ill be so sad. im going to miss this place. anyway enogh of this bs... cya...love ya <3 Katie. o yes one more thing my neice elizabeth jean murray is due to pop out in only 48 mour hours... im so excited, to bad i wont see her :'( bye.

cudgel \KUH-juhl\, noun:
1. A short heavy stick used as a weapon; a club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant wait until you write some "mour" posts :)