August 23, 2007

Things Have Changed, And I Don't Like It.

Ahh, where to start. I haven't posted on this thing since March. So I should probably start at March but I don't have all day so I'll just start in June. What happened in June. Well it was one of the best/ worst months of my life. It was the best because school was finally out and we went to prom and all that and graduated. It was the worst because it is now the beginning of my new life which officially kicked in in August. But, im not at August yet and I can't switch over July because my summer was absolutely nothing without July. July was Amazing. On June 30 me and Katie moved out and moved in to the Sunset Campground. It was only $240 for the whole month which is a great deal. We were in the staff loop so we got a discount. If your not in staff it is $750. Anyway enough about prices. Our neighbors at sunset were two guys we worked with Adam and Kris. Adam has worked with us for three years and this is year the first year i talked to him. Its Kris' first year. I don't know, I never really thought that i would hang out with them because at first I thought they were losers (they kind of are, but so am I) but now I don't know what i would have done without them. I love them to death and they are the nicest funny people you will ever meet. So anyway back to rambling on about July. Katie turned 18 on July 6, it was the worst birthday ever. Her godmother died which sucked. Half way through July Adam got his make over and everyone thought he was so much cuter and it kind of went to his head a little bit. I'm happy for him and everything but now that some of the popular kids are noticing him he will ditch me, Katie, and Kris in and instant. It bother me because, I don't know. I guess he just needs to learn who his real friends are. Me and Adam didn't talk for like a week or so but I finally decided to make up with before I left for Newfoundland so we were all good. On July 14 i was working and there was a huge coaster crash. Caused by me. Some guy named Mike Cameron had to get stitches in his forehead because the breaking system failed. On July 20 (i think) i got my elbow pierced it hurt like a mother. On July 31, it was time to move out. I wanted to cry but I held it in. Now, we move on to August. I went to Newfoundland with Katie from the 3- 17. It was the best trip I have ever been on. We did everything. From swimming in waterfalls to camping in the woo. My sister came with us and it was great to get to see her and my niece. We came back from Newfoundland and everything had changed. Sandy had moved to Toronto and I never got to say good bye. That was probably the worst thing of my whole summer. Sandy was one of my best friends and I trusted her like no one else. I doubt I will ever see her again because the time she is done with university I will probably be moved back to Newfoundland. We had so much good times together. Especially our lunch times in room 113. Like the time she tipped me out of the chair and Ms. Skeffington walked in. That was hilarious. Or the time be and Courtney were telling her to slow down because it was a blizzard outside and she insisted she knew what to do. Next thing you know we were swerving and heading straight towards a pole on the wrong side of the road. Thankfully we stopped. Anyways it makes me sad that I couldn't say good bye. So Sandy if you see this you are an amazing friend and I will never forget you. My life wouldn't be the same if I never had you. On our last day in Newfoundland I died my hair pink underneath. On our first day back I went to visit Adam and Kris. Adam changed so much I just wanted to sit there and ball my eyes out. While we were gone he drank, smoked, and did pot. Before we left he had only drank once before and he had smoked any of that crap. He got his nipples pierced to which i may say that looked really good. So ya Adam changed, and Sandy was gone, it sucked. Katie's grandfather is in the hospital, which really blows because I hate seeing old people in the hospital. Anyway this is enough blogging for another 4 months.

March 16, 2007

: ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : )

So, I am finally in Alberta. I love it here, it is very confusing but hey. So yesterday my plane left at 6:00 in the morning which ment I had to be out of bed at 4:00 to shower and stuff. I actually had to get up at like 3:00 ish though because I needed to finish packing. So ya When my plane landed in Montreal I was lucky because my gate was right and the beginning of all the terminals and crap so ya. I was going up the escalator to get to all the gates and of course i see someone from the island. yes i did i thought it was quite funny and you wanna know who I saw? Yes ok? (drum roll please)... KAYLE FORD. We waved and then i went on my way. So ya i had a 2 hour wait in the montreal airpot which turned into a almost-three- hour wait because they lost everyones luggage and had to find it. Time flew though because i was walking around and reading my magazine and stuff. Sitting in the montreal airport really brought back so many memories. In fact today is exactly one year that me and chang went to Egypt and if you want to know everything that happened in montreal airport you can ask her yourself. So ya i got on the plane and i headed off to calgary. My plane landed and I was so excited to finally meet my neice. My sister was like 10 minutes late so i stood there waiting for my bags which seemed like they took forever to come. My sister finally showed up and there she was. my neice. she is so cute, a lot smaller then i thought she was. we went and changed her diaper and then we headed out. claudines (my sister) husband hand to go drop something off to a friend so we did that and then me and claudine decided we would go to a prom dress store before we left calgary. when we first walked in i saw this amazing bronze colored dress but i thought someone was trying it on so i didnt bother with it. i kept looking and of course i found my way back to the dress and i am in love. i am still looking around but deep down that is most likely the dress i will get. actually 99% sure that is "the one". the girl said it will only take 2 - 3 weeks to get it down to p.e.i. which is a hell of a lot better then 3 - 4 months. we left the store after 45 minutes. we went to a resturant it was called "the pelican and the peir" or something like that and i had fish and chips. it was so good almost as good a newfoundland, and they homemade fries. they are the only good kind. after the resturant we headed back to red deer. it is a about 1.5 hours away from calgary. me and the baby feel asleep with her little hand curled around my pinky. we got home and i got settled in and then i fed her and changed her. it was fun and definetley and experience. i went o bed around 10:00 and had an awesome sleep. i got up at like 10:40 and ate a yogurt for breakfest. yum. we went out to a cpouple of places around 1:00 including the awesome pizza hut buffet. it was so good. we went to a couple more places when we got home i fed the baby, changed her and just held her for about 3 hours. she then fell asleep so i put her in her swing. she woke up around 8:00 so i made her a bottle and fed that to her. i held and fed her until around 11 then i put her in bed and i went to bed to. i had another awesome sleep and i woke up today around 9:30 the baby is still in bed and it is now 11:48. we arent doing much today her husband is working. we are going to go to the west edmonton mall tommorow and i am going to meet my cousing annika who was born in july. it should be awesome. so this is a pretty long blog so i think i will stop now. alrighty then. bye.

<3 katie, oxx.

specious \SPEE-shuhs\, adjective:1. Apparently right; superficially fair, just, or correct, but not so in reality; as, "specious reasoning; a specious argument."2. Deceptively pleasing or attractive.

February 20, 2007

Look Alikes

So ya i found this face recognition sight and i decided to do it to some of my pictures i have:

So ya I have no life bye!

February 10, 2007

My Neice

Ya so im sure all of you have heard that my sister was expecting on january 20th... well she finally had her baby on january 31 and a couple people have asked me to post a couple pics of her so here it is. she was born at 11:09 am in the red deer (alberta) hospital and she weighed like eight pounds and 6 ounces. shes so cute here are some pics from here first week of life.

... can you say adorable !?! i cant wait to see here when i got to alberta for march break!!!!!!!
crux \KRUHKS\noun;plural cruxes
1. The basic, central, or critical point or feature.
2. Anything that is very puzzling or difficult to explain or solve

January 18, 2007

Not In The Mood

so ya i was in this awe - some mood to right a hugely long blog, but now that ive finally gotten here i dont want to anymore so ya. all i have to say is that i am so happy that first semester is almost over all i have to do is wirte my three exams and im done. then only one semester left until im out of this place. im so excited about graduating now, but i kow when it comes ill be so sad. im going to miss this place. anyway enogh of this bs... ya <3 Katie. o yes one more thing my neice elizabeth jean murray is due to pop out in only 48 mour hours... im so excited, to bad i wont see her :'( bye.

cudgel \KUH-juhl\, noun:
1. A short heavy stick used as a weapon; a club.

January 14, 2007

I <3 MySpace

Okay I used to put a new post on this thing like every couple days, but the last time i posted on here was on January 5. That is more then a week ago. It is also the same time i signed up for a myspace account. i love myspace. ive become so addicted to it, frequently updating my site two and three times a day. i know, its quite pittiful actually. as i blog i am actually on my myspace page which is you should check it out sometime. so i have become so addicted to my myspace i have started setting my msn to appear offline just so people wont know im there and i dont have to take away time from my precious page. anyway i have to go get back to it i just figured out how to put on layouts and im tryin to find a few. so ya... bye, check it out!

bromide \BROH-myd\, noun:
1. A compound of bromine and another element or a positive organic radical.
2. A dose of potassium bromide taken as a sedative.
3. A dull person with conventional thoughts.
4. A commonplace or conventional saying.

January 5, 2007

My Year In Review.

  • wrote my final exams, got all of my credits.
  • started drivers-ed with Courtney


  • Stephanie(my neice) turned 12


  • Mom turned 55 (or something around there)
  • got a new dog named ebby
  • went to egypt with Sandy
  • claudines 36th birthday


  • me and stephanie played an awesome prank on my dad
  • claudine gets pregnant


  • went to the youth conference
  • parents had there 34th wedding anniversary
  • got my beginners


  • Logans 13th birthday
  • wrote finals
  • got all my credits
  • went back to sandspit for second year


  • katies 17th birthday
  • evans 16th birthday
  • gordos 16th birthday
  • went to the canada concerts
  • dads 55th birthday
  • seans 25th birthday
  • found out claudine is pregnant


  • had the house to my self for two weeks
  • cat went missing
  • my birthday
  • ryans 16th birthday
  • jessicas 14th birthday
  • isaacs 18th birthday
  • back to school shopping
  • traceys 38th birthday


  • started grade twelve
  • finished up at sandspit


  • went trick or treating for the last time
  • walters 38th birthday
  • kristens 10th birthday


  • went to alberta to see claudine


  • mom had her hip replaced
  • popped her hip out
  • popped it out again
  • had an awesome christmas
  • fireworks at stephs
  • new record for sleepovers at stephanies house



hinterland \HIN-tur-land\, noun

1. A region situated inland from a coast.

2. A region remote from urban areas; backcountry.

3. A region situated beyond the major metropolitan or cultural centers.



"That is a stupid quote, I'll just make up my own quote today"

-said by katie @ 8:39 in the pm