January 18, 2007

Not In The Mood

so ya i was in this awe - some mood to right a hugely long blog, but now that ive finally gotten here i dont want to anymore so ya. all i have to say is that i am so happy that first semester is almost over all i have to do is wirte my three exams and im done. then only one semester left until im out of this place. im so excited about graduating now, but i kow when it comes ill be so sad. im going to miss this place. anyway enogh of this bs... cya...love ya <3 Katie. o yes one more thing my neice elizabeth jean murray is due to pop out in only 48 mour hours... im so excited, to bad i wont see her :'( bye.

cudgel \KUH-juhl\, noun:
1. A short heavy stick used as a weapon; a club.

January 14, 2007

I <3 MySpace

Okay I used to put a new post on this thing like every couple days, but the last time i posted on here was on January 5. That is more then a week ago. It is also the same time i signed up for a myspace account. i love myspace. ive become so addicted to it, frequently updating my site two and three times a day. i know, its quite pittiful actually. as i blog i am actually on my myspace page which is www.myspace.com/katieclarke12 you should check it out sometime. so i have become so addicted to my myspace i have started setting my msn to appear offline just so people wont know im there and i dont have to take away time from my precious page. anyway i have to go get back to it i just figured out how to put on layouts and im tryin to find a few. so ya... bye, check it out!

bromide \BROH-myd\, noun:
1. A compound of bromine and another element or a positive organic radical.
2. A dose of potassium bromide taken as a sedative.
3. A dull person with conventional thoughts.
4. A commonplace or conventional saying.

January 5, 2007

My Year In Review.

  • wrote my final exams, got all of my credits.
  • started drivers-ed with Courtney


  • Stephanie(my neice) turned 12


  • Mom turned 55 (or something around there)
  • got a new dog named ebby
  • went to egypt with Sandy
  • claudines 36th birthday


  • me and stephanie played an awesome prank on my dad
  • claudine gets pregnant


  • went to the youth conference
  • parents had there 34th wedding anniversary
  • got my beginners


  • Logans 13th birthday
  • wrote finals
  • got all my credits
  • went back to sandspit for second year


  • katies 17th birthday
  • evans 16th birthday
  • gordos 16th birthday
  • went to the canada concerts
  • dads 55th birthday
  • seans 25th birthday
  • found out claudine is pregnant


  • had the house to my self for two weeks
  • cat went missing
  • my birthday
  • ryans 16th birthday
  • jessicas 14th birthday
  • isaacs 18th birthday
  • back to school shopping
  • traceys 38th birthday


  • started grade twelve
  • finished up at sandspit


  • went trick or treating for the last time
  • walters 38th birthday
  • kristens 10th birthday


  • went to alberta to see claudine


  • mom had her hip replaced
  • popped her hip out
  • popped it out again
  • had an awesome christmas
  • fireworks at stephs
  • new record for sleepovers at stephanies house



hinterland \HIN-tur-land\, noun

1. A region situated inland from a coast.

2. A region remote from urban areas; backcountry.

3. A region situated beyond the major metropolitan or cultural centers.



"That is a stupid quote, I'll just make up my own quote today"

-said by katie @ 8:39 in the pm